Why do youtubers keep trying to sell me website making services? If I made a website, it'd be for the sake of creating one myself.
Hello, my name is Kleine, or one of the other variations listed in the About Me section. I've spent so much time on the internet that they have as much claim to being my name as 'Isaac'.
I'm mainly making this to learn HTML and CSS. But also, personal websites are charming to me. It's one of those "nostalgia for something you didn't experience" things, since I joined the internet in about 2010, after they were out of fashion.
I'm impressed by some of the sites others have created. I might've made my site have that horrible wonderful aesthetic if I were more creative (and skilled in website design). ...Though, maybe solid colors and clean designs are a better expression of myself.
I hope you all like my website. The idea that others would actually look at this page (before it was ready, at least) made me panic a bit, to be honest.